Oral Surgery

We are able to treat the majority of your necessary surgical needs in our office. We meet all your concerns, walk you through the whole procedure and answer all your questions first. If you are very anxious, we offer you conscious sedation to make you calm and relax during the treatment.

Please contact us if you have any questions or if you would like to schedule an appointment.


Our dentists at Lakeshore Dental are trained to remove teeth gently and precisely, preserving the bony structures underneath. We will gladly answer your questions about dental extractions and how you would like to replace these teeth.

Wisdom Teeth Removal

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Dental Implants

Dental implants are the best solution to replace a missing tooth, or a few, for people of all ages in relatively good health. Contact us to have a consultation with our expert dentists to find out if you are a good candidate for a dental implant and to establish a treatment plan that suits your specials needs.

Bone Grafting

A dental bone graft is a treatment which replace the missing bone as a consequence of lost tooth or gum disease. As your own bone grows, it takes in the graft material and build up a strong new bone as a secure foundation for an implant.


Are you suffering from loose denture or hassle with denture adhesive? Our experienced dentists are proud to help you with a new implant technique to significantly enhance your lifestyle. No sore spot or slipping denture.