Emergency Dentist Mississauga

At Lakeshore Dental Center, we understand that unforeseen emergencies can happen and that having a reliable and trustworthy contact is extremely important in such distressing times. This is why we offer same-day or next-day appointments in which swift and rapid treatment can be administered, to ensure none of our patients suffer long term pain or are faced with not being able to find an available appointment.

Please contact us if you have any questions or if you would like to schedule an appointment.

Emergency Care

Even if you are not one of our patients, if you find yourself in pain or you simply only have a dental concern, just call us at Lakeshore Dental Center and we will be ready to help.
As a top dentistry in Mississauga, our main priority is to help you with pain, answer your questions, discuss the outcome of treatment options, and try to send you back home with peace of mind.

Common Dental Emergencies

Toothache/Tooth Pain

Toothache/Tooth Pain

If you are experiencing a toothache that is continuously hurting, and is swelling, contact our office for our emergency services. Toothache can be a symptom of many problems such as a damaged filling, tooth decay, or an infection; contact our dental team and we will treat the pain and examine for any other issues.

A tooth abscess is caused by a bacterial infection and creates a pocket of pus. Among other symptoms, if you have a tooth abscess you may be experiencing swelling and tooth sensitivity. At Lakeshore Dental Center, our dental team will drain the abscess and perform a root canal in order to save the tooth. However, if we are unable to save the tooth, in order to stop the spread of the infection an emergency tooth extraction must be performed.

Chipped or “Knocked out” Tooth

Chipped or “Knocked out” Tooth

A chipped or knocked out tooth is when a tooth is broken, dislodged, or lost. In these instances, the sooner you seek treatment the better, so please contact our dental team immediately.

At Lakeshore Dental Center we will provide you with an emergency appointment and will reinsert the tooth, perform an implant to replace it, or perform a crown, bridge or fill the chipped tooth with white filling depending on the severity of your accident.

A root canal is a treatment that attempts to save infected teeth. At Lakeshore Dental Center, we pride ourselves on our ability to provide emergency appointments to initiate the root canal so that we can stop the spread of infected teeth by drilling a hole into the tooth, cleaning it out and then closing the access opening.

Root Canal Emergency
Tooth Extraction

Tooth Extraction

If one or many of your teeth have been damaged, chipped, or dislodged, you may require an emergency tooth extraction to remove the tooth. This will be done by using local anesthetic to remove the tooth with minimal discomfort. Afterwards, our team at Lakeshore Dental Center will show you your options for replacement treatments to help you to the best of our abilities.

Lost Filling, Crown, or Bridge

If you have lost any of the dental care listed, an appointment should be made to prevent any further problems as soon as possible. At Lakeshore Dental Center we will examine your teeth and use an X-Ray so that we can work out the best replacement treatment for you. In some cases where the nerve has been uncovered, an emergency root canal may be necessary.

Lost Filling, Crown, or Bridge
Broken Denture

Broken Denture

Dentures can break for several reasons, and can cause discomfort while chewing, drinking, and speaking. Contact us at Lakeshore Dental Center and we will serve to fix your dentures as soon as possible.

Bleeding Gums

If you are suffering from intense gum bleeding, a common solution is an emergency teeth cleaning. Our dentists at Lakeshore Dental Center will promptly provide you with this cleaning to eliminate any plaque from your gumline, and thoroughly assess your teeth to determine if you are suffering from gum disease.

Bleeding Gums
Temporary Restoration Fallen Off

Temporary Restoration Fallen Off

Though not an emergency, it is important to repair a temporary crown that has come off so that the tooth stays in position until you can seek permanent treatment. You can do this easily by putting Vaseline, toothpaste onto the temporary crown, and then placing it back onto the tooth. However, before doing this, you may want to try putting the crown back on the tooth just to see if you like the fit prior to applying any adhesive. After you’ve placed the crown back onto the tooth with adhesive, bite down, applying even pressure, onto a clean towel. After, clean the tooth of any adhesive you can see, and contact us at Lakeshore Dental Center to book an appointment as soon as possible to have it properly cemented back into place.